Site announcements

Summer and Fall 2025 Registration Opens Monday, March 24, 2025

by Melissa Casper -

Good evening,

Summer and Fall 2025 registration opens on Monday, March 24, 2025. Please review the schedule below to see when your registration group opens.  

IMPORTANT:  Focus Week courses will show a FALSE time in Populi  (7:00-7:01 AM) to prevent conflicts. You must review the PDF schedule carefully for specific dates and times for the Focus Week courses. The specific dates and times for Focus Week courses are also listed in the course description (click on the course title).  This is because Populi does not distinguish between regular and Focus Week dates/times.  Registration group status is based on earned credit hours not the number of years in attendance. Refer to the registration groups below for status and registration dates. IMPORTANT: Register before August 11th (the first day of the fall term).  The Add-drop period for the Fall 2025 Add Deadline is August 17; the Fall 2025 Drop Deadline is August 24 at 12:00 AM.

Monday - March 24, 2025, 8:00 am 

3rd Year MDIV 

3rd Year DMIN

2nd Year DMIN

1st Year DMIN

2nd Year MACM or MATS

Tuesday - March 25, 2025, 8:00 am 

2nd Year MDIV 

1st Year MACM or MATS  

Wednesday - March 26, 2025, 8:00 am 

1st Year MDIV

Entering MACM or MATS

Thursday - March 27, 2025, 8:00 am  

Entering MDIV


 Friday - March 28, 2025, 8:00 am  



Rev. Dr. Michelle E. Hatcher  
Director of Financial Aid/Registrar

Update: Student Moodle Access

by Melissa Casper -

Students should now have access to all of their courses in Moodle.  If you still do not have access to a course, or lose access to any additional courses, please let the helpdesk know at

Our Moodle host continues to investigate the issue, and I will send out an update once we’ve confirmed the problem has been resolved.

Thank you for your patience as we work to permanently fix the issue.


Melissa Casper  
Applications Support Analyst

Kansas Campus
M 913-253-5000D 9135440221 | C +1 8163928153 | 

Urgent - Student Moodle Access

by Melissa Casper -

We are aware of an issue where some students' classes are not showing up in Moodle. No information has been lost.

We are working with Moodle to resolve this as soon as possible.  We will send an email as soon as access has been restored to all classes.


Melissa Casper  
Applications Support Analyst

Kansas Campus
M 913-253-5000D 9135440221 | C +1 8163928153 | 

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